

Joan -

You wrote:
<<   My
 neuro has recommended the DBS, but it was my understanding that they can only
 do one side.  Obviously, that's not the case.  I was also excited by the fact
 that it affects more than just tremor, and that it is adjustable.  Where did
 Dick have his done?  And, who is the doctor? >>

Yes, DBS is often done bilaterally.  These days, I believe it's usual to do
both sides at the same time, although Dick's were done three months apart.
Pallidal stimulation, which Dick had, is an older generation of surgery.  The
current surgery of choice is the STN, which handles more symptoms than
pallidal stim.

Dick had his surgeries done at the University of Kansas Medical Center in
Kansas City, Kansas.  The surgeon was Dr. Steven Wilkinson.  I understand
that he's the most experienced DBS surgeon in the US, although if anyone has
heard anything different, I'm willing to be corrected.  Although Dick's first
pallidal stim was only the third done in the US, Dick had fantastic results.
One caveat - none of these surgeries constitute a cure, and the disease does
continue to progress.  That's why the adjustability of the electrode settings
is so helpful, I guess.

Best of luck to you.  Feel free to write to me off-line for more info.

Margie Swindler